Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Community Relations Case Study: Wells College

The case study on community relations my partner and I chose to present to our PR Campaigns class is one involving Wells College.

Here is the scoop: Wells College was a small liberal arts all women college in New York. Wells began to struggle financially and their enrollment began to decline. The team threw around ideas like, reduce tuition 30%, increase student aid, add new programs and implement an advertising campaign. These ideas were unsuccessful in boosting enrollment, so the Wells Colllege board members had the idea of making the school co-ed.

There was lots of research involved and both the board and faculty voted. The end result...Men could now attend Wells College. After the decision the board decided to personally telephone employees, post a letter on the website, mail a letter to alumnae, send out news release, and email the students.

After the announcement some alumnae were upset at the decision and started a protest website and sent letters to the president of the college. Although some disagreed with the decision, it was successful; enrollment doubled the next year.

This case study dealt with community relations because should the college have asked the students instead of just allowing the board and faculty to vote? Students are the majority of the Wells community. What could the members of the board done differently to be more mindful of community relations?

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