Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ethics and my standpoint

Recently I have participated in discussions about ethics in my PR and Advertising classes, and all this talk about ethics made me think about my own standpoint on ethics.

I would consider myself an ethical person and I think whenever I enter the real world I will stay true to my ethical choices. Here are a few of my standpoints:

-I do want to be successful in my career, but I will not compromise my morals and values to get there. 

-I want to support my future companies products, services, or ideas. For example I will not work for the Tobacco industry or some sort of scandalous or trashy company.

-I really want to enjoy my job, I never want to hate my job, life is too short to wake up miserable everyday.

It is difficult to list out standpoints because so many ethical choices are different case by case...but overall I would more than likely choose the conservative ethical route.

I think my main influences of my ethical standpoints are my faith and my family upbringing. My parents are conservative and have always stressed the importance of having high morals and values to my sister and me. 

It is very interesting to hear all my classmates' different standpoints on ethics. Alhough we all have different views, we all share in the desire to succeed (and to graduate!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My new sparked interest in Corporate Social Responsibilty

I have always wanted to do PR for a non-profit organization, but I have now discovered another possible career choice.... corporate social responsibility.

Corporate social responsibility in a nutshell is companies doing good will towards society and providing more than just their product but also something to help the community in which they are a part of. Considering the economic state, companies are fighting for business and need more than advertising, they need to show society that their corporation is giving back during these tough times and earn trust and respect from the customers.

            McDonalds has mastered the art of social responsibility, especially with the well-known Ronald McDonald House. For nearly 35 years, Ronald McDonald House Charities have been creating, finding and supporting programs that directly improve the health and well being of nearly 3.7 million children worldwide every year. The organization helps families in serious times of need like finding housing for families near hospitals so they are able to stay near and support a hospitalized child, helping families afford staying together in another city while a child is undergoing treatment, or even getting basic medical and dental care in an underserved community.

McDonalds has a tab on there website titled, “Good Works.” This page tells of how McDonalds gives back. This quote on their site summarizes McDonalds' view on social responsibility, “We all have a duty to act responsibly. To do good. Participate in the lives of others. It’s about taking pride in the world we live in, and dealing with the important issues. It’s about being there for us.” Mcdonalds puts forth a noticeable effort to be involved in the community and earn the trust of their customers, not just by serving healthier menu options but also giving time and money to a large number of charities.

I would be more willing to work for a company I know is socially responsible than one that is not. Perhaps this concept will spill over and encourage individuals to give a helping hand in their own community.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I never want to learn something new everyday.

Recently I have come to the realization that I have a love for learning. My parents have always said that I always asked A LOT of questions when I was a kid, and I still do. I am just a curious person trying to take in as much as possible.

I am telling you of my curiosity for the purpose of sharing some skills I want to learn before I graduate. According to this post on davefleet.com there are 14 key skills and attributes for new public relations professionals. Here are a few I would like to learn more about or improve on before that scarrrrryyy day of graduation.

1. Writing- Since this is such a crucial part of PR I want to improve my writing skills and have a distinct style of writing. I don't mind writing, but I am not confident in my work. I could use some improvement.

2. Search Engine Optimization- I am a creature of habit and just use Google and if I don't find what I am looking for in the first couple pages I then move onto another search engine. I suppose I need to learn to search the web more efficiently 

3. Coding- Considering I don't even quite know what this is, I need to learn a lot more about this skill. 

4. RSS- Here is another skill I need to look into. I am familiar with RSS but would like to learn more on how to use it properly. 

There are few skills on the list I think I possess, but none the less can still work on.

1. Attention to Detail- I love details. In event planning sometime I stress too much about the small details, but I think the small details are important and someone will notice them. 

2. Proactiveness- Once again my curiosity and task oriented personality helps in being proactive. I don't do well with idle time or procrastination so I do my best to stay on top of assignments and deadlines.

3. Social Networking Tools, Blogs, and Twitter- Thanks to my PR professor, Ging, I have learned to be a social media advocate. I was always a fan of facebook, and honestly spend too much time on facebook, but find it very beneficial for networking now that most of the world has a facebook account. I also am now a fan of Twitter and enjoy following celebrities and people who put up informative links.

Being a senior I am trying to soak in as much knowledge and wisdom I can and take with me along my PR journey. Feel free to leave any comments with advice or other important PR skills.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What I know now...That I wish I knew Then.

Life is all about living and learning and in my 21 years of life I like to think that so far I have learned a lot. Now in my 3 years at GCSU I have learned the art of Public Relations and I am looking forward to learning more. Here are my words of wisdom for a future PR student. 

1. Public Relations is like no other major.
As a college student you will learn which majors are "the easy majors," well my friend PR is not in that category. You can't wait until the night before for to plan an event. Your learning is NOT just in the classroom but rather through real world experience. You do not just learn a concept or formula in the book and move on, you learn it, apply it, and build onto it. Personally I prefer this style of learning rather than memorizing and listening to lectures. 

2. Network.
Whether it is social networking online through Twitter and blogs or sparking up a conversation with the lady in the elevator, learn to to network. It is quite intimidating at first, but you never know the connection you can make with someone and who can help you out in the future. 

3. Learn Photoshop or some sort of design program.
You will be designing flyers, invitations, logos, posters and anything else your client needs so release your inner artsy side and become familiar with the programs as soon as you can. Take a class to learn, you won't regret it.

4. Get a planner and use it.
If I write it in my planner it will get done, I have found this to be so helpful in keeping myself sane. Going back to having an outside the classroom kind of major you will have meetings, events, interviews, and deadlines weekly. Stay organized by writing everything down and plan for the weeks to come. 

5. Last but not least, write as much as you can.
Writing does not seem to be a crowd favorite, but as a PR student it is crucial to be able to write. The more I write the easier it becomes and the more I enjoy it. Find your style of writing and keep improving on it. 

Hope these little nuggets of wisdom help you along your PR journey. Never pass up an opportunity to learn!