Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day 2009

The topic for blog action day 2009 is climate change, and since I was not well seasoned in that topic I did some research online and interviewed my Dad who is a meteorologist. I now have a standpoint on the issue: Climate Change is a publicity stunt.

The discussion of global warming has moved from scientific to political. With that shift, facts have become twisted and thus the discussion has become quite heated.

Few would argue that the earth has warmed, the debate centers around the effect of that warming due to man. It is my opinion that climate change, both warming and cooling, happens around the globe, but that man is nothing more than a spectator.

My dad shared this example with me. The earth’s atmosphere is too large to be impacted by man on a global scale. Micro-climates can be altered, we have seen that in the heat island effect in our major metropolitan areas. The concrete and steel of the city can trap heat during the day and radiate outward at night keeping the recorded low temperatures higher than those in the suburbs. But that data would not change the overall climate for a particular area.

Here is another fact that contradicts the theory of manmade global warming. The latest surface temperatures on the planet Mars have warmed in the last decade and obviously not due to the efforts of humans.

This is a publicity stunt; consumers are buying products and ideas because companies are taking full advantage of this trend and marketing their products towards climate change advocates. This is a fad. Instead of putting time and energy in blaming man for climate change and developing new climate friendly products, how about putting those resources to work for a common good, like in the field of medicine. Surely there is no debate there.

(Don't think I am anti-environmentally friendly, I recycle and support conserving natural resources!)

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I did a column on the lies about man-made global warming. I'm glad to know your dad shares my beliefs. It's almost egotistical for us to believe we can change God's hand in weather.
