Looking back and reflecting I had four great, fun, memorable, challenging, and life-changing years at Georgia College & State University. I am so happy with the major and minor I chose and learned so much as a PR concentration and I discovered a lot about myself too. Here are the top ten lessons I learned during my days as a PR student that I would share with a new PR student:
10. Get a planner and use it- Organization and punctuality are so crucial in PR. I relied on my planner to keep me on track for group meetings, deadlines, events and reminders.
9. Learn to delegate jobs- When working on an event it is always awkward when you have to tell your peers what to do, but gain their respect and delegate jobs in a respectful way. I was guilty of overwhelming myself with tasks when I cold have divided some of the work.
8. Network- There are so many opportunities for networking these days. I love talking with people and making a connection with them. You never know when you can help them out one day or they could be a future employer of yours!
7. Be aware of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- Once I learned the concept of CSR it is a topic of interest for me and I am now more aware of how companies are acting responsible.
6. Make and effort to get real world experience-The GCSU mass comm department requires students to do 3 practicums, which is such a great learning experience. The more you put into your practicum the more you get out of it.
5. Learn to plan a successful event- Personally I enjoy event planning because I love or organization, details and working hard on something and seeing it come together so beautifully. As a PR student of Ging's I learned how to plan events from the best!
4. Create a campaign and campaign book- I had no idea what all a campaign entailed until my group and I had to implement one and put together a campaign booklet. It is quite the process but I learned so much through doing it.
3. Learn how to write a press release- The more you write the easier writing press releases will become. I know my writing skills improved over my four years and it was because I got a lot of practice
2. Become a social media enthusiast- Learn how to really tweet and use a blog for PR. At first I didn't understand the purpose of Twitter or a blog, I just liked facebook, but now that I know how to use them for my benefit I see that social media is such a large part of PR.
1. Never stop learning- With the ever changing business of PR I know how important it is to stay sharp on my skills, current events and trends. Take any opportunity to learn something new. Life is too short just to wonder or be in the dark about something....so ask or research to find the answers to your questions. There are so many helpful resources in front of us as college students so take advantage of them!
College is awesome so soak it up and take lots of pictures!!!